Saturday, May 2, 2009

To blog or not to blog, that is the question:

Whether 'tis nobler to suffer the thoughts of mine own mind without exposure, or to take up the pen and unleash those thoughts, and by that stroke open mineself to the world?

For me it wasn't much of a decision. I already narrate my life in my head as I'm living it and talk WAY too much about my own situations, good or bad, to anyone who makes the mistake of asking, so it's no big step to write all those thoughts and soliloquies down for the world to see. My only hesitation is that everybody who thinks they are anybody, especially in the real estate investing world, already has a blog. Isn't the blog market over saturated already? Do we really need another person throwing more junk into cyberspace that no one reads? Well, maybe not, but my ultimate decision was "too bad!" and here I am. The internet pretty much has unlimited space anyway, right????

Let me start out by saying how incredibly excited I am to be a part of Local Real Estate Deals as we begin our quest to link real estate investors across the nation together on a huge variety of media platforms. Local investing topics in a national format, who'd of thunk? Trust me when I tell you that LRED will soon be an industry leading company and household name to investors everywhere in the USA, and maybe even beyond!

So what will I be offering to my faithful readers here on LRED's blog profile? Probably nothing Earth shattering, sorry to disappoint! A little humor, a little insight, hopefully a little education, and, if I'm really lucky, maybe a little scattering of brilliance every now and then. I will happily post the good alongside the bad and the downright ugly, freely sharing my experiences with real estate investing, personal development, my road to wealth creation (road still under construction!), and the goings-on at Local Real Estate Deals. If you're looking for all the answers, keep looking (and let me know when you find them!). In the mean time, subscribe to this blog and give me some feedback as we go. The only thing I like better than hearing my own self talk is hearing the ideas, experiences and feedback of others in response!!!

Oh, and don't worry, I'll keep the Shakespeare references to a minimum, I promise! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. hi Melody! congrats on this new adventure. besides real estate, i'd like to know what kind of personal development you are talking about. i've got my own collection of books on the subject.
    see ya at RING,
